we eat pineapples until our vaginas are sugar for all our lovers
have a sweet tooth on date night the knives on the table are pointing
at him you’re holding a gun with no bullets it is just a trigger
he thinks it is nice to be eaten by a vagina sweet tooth
turned decay and cavity you too hot sometimes too cold
your vagina is the trigger always too much no. you frustrate everyone who
comes after him with your needles and threads trying to stitch your legs together
always no always raped always trying to become unraped
stitchingyourlegstogether finding triggers counting legsneedlesteethknivesvagina statistics
Sibulelo Manamatela, 23, is a poet from South Africa. Her poems can be found in Best ‘New’ African Poets 2018, Sol Plaatjie European Union Poetry Anthology Vol. VIII, Type/Cast Issue 5, Poetry Potion 013, and elsewhere. She is currently pursuing a degree in Creative Writing.